SpOrt365 is a place where everyone, young and old, alone or in a group, can come at any time to try out known and unknown sports at a low threshold - you can borrow the right equipment on site for a deposit. The focus is clearly on fun, which is why our trainers are always happy to help you if you don't know how something is played.
Our place is a place of community where everyone from all social groups can feel comfortable and connect through sport and culture. We want to create safe “third places” that create a balance between work, school and family.
As GSJ (Society for Sport and Youth Social Work), we rely on supervised public sports areas, socially competent trainers as well as offers and events that are planned through cooperation with and for people and groups that are underrepresented in sport and experience structural discrimination . Our team is working to ensure that the infrastructure in the areas is expanded and made more inclusive so that social dynamics can also be supported through the spatial design.
Our partners


Do you want to become part of our team? We are always looking for motivated people who enjoy sport and want to pass it on. Whether as a permanent position, trainer + social worker + trainer, area coordinator and FSJ, BFD simply send us an email with your CV to sport365berlin@gmail.com
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